So, after MUCH thought, time, and hard work, I created Tired Teacher Timesaver Early Finisher Packs. These packs are 20 pages of math and language arts NO PREP printables designed with first graders in mind. The skills reviewed are directly related to the common core and reflect first grade curriculum goals. Each packet was designed with the seasonal themes and holidays occurring each month, with cute graphics to match. I also worked hard to ensure that the skills I reviewed would challenge my students without overwhelming them. I even created a special cover sheet! Click on any of the pictures for a closer look.
Every month I have the packets copied front/back and stapled in packets with the cover sheet. Then, I hand these packs out as students finish their work early. The students keep these packets in their desks to pull out and work on when they have a few minutes to spare. These are not packets the students can just breeze through. Each page often involves multiple steps. I make a big deal and celebrate the students who complete the packets.
The skills become progressively more challenging as the school year progresses. The pack for August is basically a kindergarten review, while July’s packet is an end of first grade review. Here’s a look at a few of the pages you’ll find in these packs. Click on any of the pictures to view the entire packet.
While these are designed as Early Finisher Packs, many teachers have told me they use them for morning warm-ups, homework, summer skill review, and a variety of other uses. The possibilities are endless!
In conjunction with TPT, I’m happy to announce a LIMITED TIME FREEBIE! I’ve reached an important milestone in my creative sharing opportunity with Teachers Pay Teachers and I’m celebrating by offering my April Early Finishers Pack for FREE!!!!! Click on the picture to download it today before time runs out! While you’re downloading, be sure to check out my other Early Finisher Packs! They are all on sale for a limited time only!